CEPM 08/06/2019 Giving maize back to the European citizens While the European Union's demand is increasing, the current loss of competitiveness of European maize Télécharger
CEPM 31/05/2016 Enabling maize producers to remain competitive During their Board Meeting on 31st May 2016 in Paris under the chairmanship of Daniel Peyraube, European maize producers expressed concerns regarding two issues crucial for their activities. Télécharger
CEPM 08/09/2015 How maize will save the world A conference debate with Sylvie BRUNEL at the Milan Universal Exhibition on 7 september 2015 Télécharger
CEPM 04/09/2015 C.E.P.M. supports the 7th September demonstration in Brussels The European Confederation of Maize Production expresses its complete support for the objectives and demands of the European agricultural demonstration organised by COPA-COGECA on Monday 7th September in Brussels. Télécharger